Showing posts with label gigletto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gigletto. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 23

Stilettos for giglettos?

my black strappy stilettos
My black strappies
on stage in a detail
of this bigger pic.
"Are you wearing stilettos for your giglettos?"

My friend Bob Miller of Foliba loves to play with words and sent me that question three weeks ago.   What an adorable rhyme!   Plus, it's a fair question because

   (a)   I love my stilettos ~~ they make me 5 inches taller!
   (b)   I have four different pairs.
   (c)   I've worn them for other gigs.

my trusty black canvas Keds
From my favorite shoe store:
Family Discount Shoes and Furniture
in Keokuk, Iowa, which is where
I got my stilettos, too
photo by J.Y.Welty

But I didn't wear them that night ~~ I wore my trusty black canvas Keds instead.

Lately they've been dancing Lindy Hop with me.   It's a lively swing dance that's wearing them out!

Monday, July 1


Last year I gave the word "giglet" another meaning: a short performance of two songs, like 10 minutes at an Open Mic.   I decided to change it up a bit . . . so the new word for a 2-song gig will be "gigletto", a tiny little gig, while the term "giglet" is reserved for a half-hour gig, like a feature performance at Cafe Paradiso's Open Mic night.   Like the one we'll be doing on July 24.

Sunday, June 23

July 3 giglet-party

Announcing our next Open Mic giglet at Cafe Paradiso:

Wednesday, July 3, a ten-minute spot between 8 pm and 9 pm.

We've been drummerless for a few weeks so we arranged songs with no drummer ~ some original, some cover, all smoky sweet.
photo of chocolate chips
Chocolate chips for everyone!

At our last rehearsal, Russ said, "How about we do Open Mic on Wednesday after next?"

We all agreed, and when I got home and looked at my calendar, I noticed that Wednesday was July 3, my BIRTHDAY  ~~  a happy way to celebrate!   I'll bring chocolate chips for everyone.

Cafe P is at 101 North Main Street in Fairfield, Iowa.   A $2 donation helps keep nights like this happening at the cafe.

* * * Update: July 1
I'm now calling this kind of performance a gigletto: a tiny little gig.