Sunday, June 23

July 3 giglet-party

Announcing our next Open Mic giglet at Cafe Paradiso:

Wednesday, July 3, a ten-minute spot between 8 pm and 9 pm.

We've been drummerless for a few weeks so we arranged songs with no drummer ~ some original, some cover, all smoky sweet.
photo of chocolate chips
Chocolate chips for everyone!

At our last rehearsal, Russ said, "How about we do Open Mic on Wednesday after next?"

We all agreed, and when I got home and looked at my calendar, I noticed that Wednesday was July 3, my BIRTHDAY  ~~  a happy way to celebrate!   I'll bring chocolate chips for everyone.

Cafe P is at 101 North Main Street in Fairfield, Iowa.   A $2 donation helps keep nights like this happening at the cafe.

* * * Update: July 1
I'm now calling this kind of performance a gigletto: a tiny little gig. 

Sunday, June 16

Burnt Sugar Glazing

What a GREAT place for a gig!
photo of Solarium by William Lamson
Artist William Lamson's Solarium

The glass is stained with carmelized sugar ~ that's right ~ BURNT SUGAR GLAZING!   (See more pictures and info at the artist's page.)   The glazing isn't edible, but it kindles fantasies of houses made of candy.   Mmmm!

Got a pen? Paper? Paper!

Just ordered cards . . .
picture of wallet card

. . . in the standard wallet size.

Now I'll always have paper to write on when a fan asks for info about our next gig.   :)

Saturday, June 1

No Drummer (again) (sigh)

We have no drummer again.   (sigh)

Okay, we do have a drummer . . . for a limited engagement: Keith DeBoer is lending his hands for our upcoming Open Mic giglets.   And that's really cool because Keith has a great touch with our songs and glides right into the grooves.

We're prepping a couple songs for a 10-minute spot (maybe two) and also prepping a half-hour feature, both for Cafe Paradiso's Open Mic, hosted by {ta-da} Keith DeBoer.

* * * Update:  June 18
Keith is hugely busy this summer and bowed out of our project, so we do indeed have no drummer.   We're prepping the songs anyway, and they sound smooooth, like silky dark chocolate.